a pathway.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed primis dolorum cotidieque ex, iusto voluptua sadipscing at per, ut everti suavitate nam. Putant verear id eum. Affert invenire principes mel ne, ad eos ubique accusam.

with a human being...

across the spectrum of happiness lies an untruth

that we are guaranteed love

we seek it and sacrifice ourselves for it

the hope that there is or will be a person that we will fall in love with

but again this is not…

see full work.
what does it mean?

what does it mean…

what does it mean to be, human?

what does it mean to be, human?

what does it mean to be, woman?

what does it mean to be, man?

see full work.
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we all process information in unique ways. the most powerful of these is in considered contemplative conversation inspired and influenced by experiences and emotions which move us. this is our place for these compelling movements in conversation.

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i am always in consideration, contemplation, and creation of new material. use this moment to join me on a weekly journey that is inspired by experience, influenced by art, and incisively introspective. i distribute newsletters as a form of literature every 7-10 days and welcome your feedback and/or conversation on the topics and themes presented within them.